Professional Development

Professional development  is  to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career  development. Professional development encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities, ranging from college  education  to formal  experience  and informal learning opportunities  practical manner. It has been described as concentrated and mutual, ideally incorporating an evaluative stage   There are a variety of approaches to professional development, including consultation, coaching,  mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance etc.

Improving Knowledge

Building identity

Improving  strenths and talents

Improving employability

Improving Health

Fulfilling  aspirations.

Improving abilities and skills

My current role, Growth and Learning

I have  to develop some new skills  and  grow in  with  experience in  my  current job. I have to  consider what seems to be missing from  my  current job, or  may  new things I have to learn and I ave to find ways and means to add those things to my current  job to carry out my roels. The best way to start is to think about the needs of   my  department and supervisor. If  I  know what my  departmental requirements   and these are areas in which I want to develop,  I  may have a win-win situation.  My  needs and  my  departmental  needs may be met at the same time. In this case, it is more likely that my  department may support training and development that I  may need. However, sometimes my  area of interest may not be of interest to the department. If that is the case, I have to find  for  other ways to develop. I  can figure this out by talking to  my  supervisor.  I am  prepared to talk about what works in my  current  career and what new things  I  would like to learn

My Goals

My Personal  Goals  – Short term

Short term goals that demonstrate my ability, improve my skills, improve my knowledge, help to gain the required experience and demonstrate the many successes I’m capable of achieving. Also, it is the short term goals that will maintain my motivation and focus to continue toward my longer term goal. These are the goals that provide immediate gratification once achieved.

My Personal Goals  – Long Term

Remember that the length of your long-term plan is not necessarily an indication of its quality. What is important is that you have clarity about what you want to achieve,

 Goals are powerful builders , motivators to  building our  carrier and  improves our self confidence  as well as  measure  our achievements and take pride in them . Setting my personnel goal a wants to become an owner of a company.

My Professional Goals – Short term

  • Time management
  • developing the soft skills,
  • developing the  technical skills and knowledge required to my goals

My Professional Goals  – Long term

  • Finance management
  • Skill development
  • Career development