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Sample Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for  Old Students Associations  in foreign countries affiliated to Old Students Association of  xxxxx   

1. The Old Students Association of xxxxx  College, Colombo   encourages Branch Associations  outside Sri Lanka  for the purpose of assisting  in achieving  its  objectives.  Conditions of membership of the Branch Associations  should be the same as that of the parent Union. Each Branch Association shall be managed and administered according to the  constitution of the Old Students Association of xxxxx College, Colombo. Every Branch Association shall furnish   once a year the Annual Report together with the audited Statement of Accounts which may be incorporated with the Union’s statements of Accounts and reports.  
2 Branch Associations   have no authority  to issue Sponsor Letters.  
3. If Branch Associations  are  collecting funds for any project,   prior approval should be obtained from the Old Students Association of Vivekananda College, Colombo.
        The objectives of the Association shall be, To foster social interaction and fellowship and welfare  of the College  among the past students of xxxxx College Colombo.  
  To establish a bond of unity among the Old Students of the College and to foster in them a true feeling of loyalty to their alma mater.   To  encourage the religious, educational, cultural  and recreational activities of the  past students of the College.   To foster unity among the Old Students and seek their assistance to help the school and to promote the Old Students to  do their duty by the school and country.   To promote and advance the general  welfare of past students of xxxxx  College, Colombo.   All past students of xxxxx  College, Colombo, who have completed either at least two years of study in the advanced level or a cumulative period of three years in school and who have not been expelled from the College will be eligible, provided that the Association shall have  the power at its discretion,  to consider  and if deem fit to approve the application for membership, of any old boy who does not fall within the criteria stipulated herein before.
  Any person wishing to join the Old Students Association  shall apply in writing in a prescribed  form  to the Hony. Secretary of the branch Association  for membership and be proposed and seconded  by a member of the Association. If the Old Students Association of Colombo  approves such application, then such person shall be enrolled as a member only  if that member is already a member of the Old Students Association of Colombo.  
  Fees & Subscription   Every Member shall pay the applicable Membership Fees/ Subscription.  
  Powers and duties of the  Branch Association   To  elect members.   To accept gifts, contributions etc., from public and incur expenditure in carrying out the objectives of the Association.   To make grant for any specified purpose whenever needed, to accept and  hold  any property movable or immovable vested in it by any grant or donation.   To invest the funds of the Association  and  communicate  with  the  public,  with  Government departments or any agency with a view to furthering its objectives.   To make by-laws for the conduct of its meeting for the functioning of its committees, for the election of members of the Association and termination of membership, for the assignment of duties to its office-bearers, for the keeping of proper Accounts and Minutes of meeting and for such other purposes  as may be necessary in carrying out its objectives.   To decide on any question regarding the interpretation of rules.   The Association may also appoint any other committee which are considered necessary and delegate to them such  powers.    
  Meetings   To approve the constitution of the Branch Association.   To perform such other duties as may be delegated to it by the Parent Association, and in carrying out such functions and performing such other duties it shall have the same powers as are vested in the Association, subject to the vote of the Association.   To perform any other function which it deems necessary subject however to the provisions of the Constitution.   All funds of the Association shall in the first instance be deposited in the Bank Account maintained by the Association.   Funds received from the collection of  membership subscriptions shall be deposited in such fixed deposit as the Association shall direct and may be uplifted and reinvested as in the opinion of the Parent Association.   Other funds received shall be used in a manner which the Association  may think  fit and proper.   Annual General Meeting   Annual General Meeting shall be held  every year and  notice should  be given to members.   The Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the preceding financial year  should be submitted for the approval of the members.  
  Notices   The notice shall be deemed to be duly given to all members and inform the parent Association.   All notice  shall contain the Agenda  and  Business to be considered at such meeting.  
  Termination of Membership   Any person failing to attend three consecutive meetings of the Association  without a valid excuse shall cease to be a member of the Association. Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership by an order of the Association if he is found guilty of any conduct to the interests and/or good name of xxxxx College, Colombo.
      The Financial Year   The Financial year of the Association  shall be from the 1st April to the 31st March every year except in the year that the Constitution is adopted.   Auditors   Auditor shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
    Indemnity   Every member of the Association or its Executives shall be indemnified against all costs, losses, damages, or expenses which he may incur or become liable to by reason of any contract or arrangement entered into or act or thing done or made in good faith by such member or officer in any way in the discharge of its duties.   Others   If any area is not covered in  the above terms and conations, Parent Association,  namely xxxxx College Old Students Association Constitution is applicable.