The power of love is what every religion teaches. People have forgotten the true essences of love and hate each other. We have all problems in the society today because we do not have love in our hearts. Without having love we create problems. When we have love in our hearts we have nothing to do everything is aligned. Service to others is the expression of love. When we immerse with love our whole is immersed in peace and unity. When we become the spirit of love and everything we do become love. Meaning to be God-loving is loving all and hate none. Whatever others do unto us, we have to forgive and forget and we have to hang on to the love and we have to give them in return the love we have. Love governs all of our relationships and all of our experiences. The power of love heals and blesses everyone and everything you and I come into contact with. When we realize the essence of love, the spirit of love sources all of our actions and governs all of our activities. We must not see the faults of others but intelligence in all people everywhere. Love replaces fear and firmly establishes a world atmosphere that empowers individual goodness and greatness by reaching deeply into the hearts. Love is peace and hate is war. Opportunities and possibilities are motivated and sustained by the wisdom of love. Self-love secures and heals discord and limited thinking. Love opens the heart and makes flexible and willing to release the present reality of accepting everything as it is. We do not want to change others but changing ourselves with love. The loving nature is all-powerful, limitless and everywhere present. With love and gratitude, as the truth we can change our lives and ultimately change the world and create world peace.