Name and Address
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to offer you a the Employment as WEB DESIGNER/ WED EDITOR/ WEB JOURNALIST in the XXXXX with effect from 3d April 2018 on the following terms and condition :
- You will be paid a monthly salary of Rs. 000,00/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) After 3 months you will be paid Rs. 00,000/- per month.
- During the period of your employment however, employment may be terminated by three months notice by either party. You have to train a new employee before leaving.
- You have to publish only correct information and if you publish wrong information you will be responsible. However before publishing anything you must take prior permission from XXXXXXXXX Chief Editor /Journalist /Governor of XXXXXX.
- You must take the responsibility for not giving the user name and password to anyone.
- If you accept the above conditions for employment, please acknowledge receipt in the duplicate.
Yours faithfully,