I the undersigned is the owner of the Company named AAA (Pvt) Limited which is engaged in importing and distributing Computers and Computer Accessories in Sri Lanka. At the outset I initiated this business in a small scale and subsequently I got the opportunity to go to your country for employment for three years. According to immigration rules and regulations I came back to Sri Lanka on time. Read More

Visa Letter
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(Pvt), AAA, Accessories, According to immigration rules, and, and regulations, and subsequently, As such, At the outset I initiated, company, Computer, Computers, distributing, engaged, for 12 days, for employment, for three years, I, I came back to Sri Lanka on time, I developed this business and now there are six employee are working under me, I got, I have received an invitation and a sponsor letter for an exhibition to be held in KKK Convention Centre in your country, I intend to go to ...... in order to see the relevant products and to purchase them, I shall be very much thankful to you, I thank you in advance for your kind consideration, I will be importing Computers and Computer accessories from your country continuously, if you could kindly grant me, importing, in, in a small scale, in Sri Lanka, In the event I am satisfied with the products, is, Limited, named, necessary Business visa, of, owner, the, the opportunity, this business, to go to your country, undersigned, which, With the hard earned money from your country