Put the knowledge into practice

What is the purpose of life ? It is not to suffer. It is to do good things , to hear good things, to help fellow human beings and to more than that to achieve great things.

Life is to create innovative things and to experience and to enjoy. Learn and use your knowledge and put that knowledge into practice. If the knowledge is not utilized what is the point in wasting time by learning and gaining knowledge.

Plan everything in life and see that everything is in accordance with your plan. Train yourself as training is essential to implement and to achieve. Prepare yourself well in advance.

Do not disclose what you are going to achieve because then others may discourage you. There are more people to discourage than encourage. Stand up and go forward and carry out the tasks at hand.
It is grand to be knowledgeable and what matters is the ability to put the knowledge into practice. It is significant to develop practical skills and put those abilities to utilize and work out plans to achieve objectives.

It is necessary to design unbelievable product, write that great novel, compose the best song and dominate the market and ultimately everyone will admire you.

The highly successful people I work with distinguish themselves from the merely competent by one thing and they have a plan, they work according to the plan, but they are not trapped by the plan. Once you start your project, do not stop until you have realized your objectives.