Be Happy

Happiness and joy is very cheap and no any cost at all. It is a gift from the divine. Pause of pursuit of happiness and just be happy and in joy. Do not look for anything or anybody to be happy. Do not look for wealth.

Remove all conditions you have put forward to be happy and you will realize this an illusion that had caused you so much of worry and stress. If you like to enjoy your life, most important point to keep in mind is if you need real happiness, you should depend as little as possible on external things.

This world is target oriented. People think that they have to do something or to achieve something in order to be happy. This is misconception. If you want to be happy, this is the only moment. If you are in happiness in this very moment, you will be happy in the next moment and next moment and it will be like a chain of events. Your life will be filled with happiness.

When you think that you have to gain something or achieve something in life to be happy, by any chance you will not be able to achieve or reach that target you will have no peace of mind. Your struggle and efforts you put forward to achieve something is in vain. Ultimately worry will be your legacy. Suppose that if you achieve that target, unfortunately you will find that you will have no happiness and you will have to go after something else.

This is the reason that our lives are filled with worry and sadness. Worry saps man’s energy. Even if your house is on fire what the use of worrying. Instead of worrying, you have to find a way of getting out of the situation. With the sadness and worry you will be a weak person to do something to rectify the situation at hand.

Most ridiculous thing is people are searching happiness and they will never find it because they are searching it in wrong places. This is similar to a person who has his wallet filled with money but he does not know it and he is begging for money or working hard day and night to earn a, living or feed the family.

If your bank account filled with millions of money but you cannot be a happy man unless you do not know the key or the secret of happiness. Happiness is within your reach at every moment of your life. Past is gone and it will never come back and future is uncertain or not existing. We do not know whether future is coming or not. So why worry for the future?

This is only time, precious time for you and grab this opportunity and be happy without expecting anything. I f you wait always and put conditions for happiness until such and such time you will waste your whole life having no happiness or peace of mind. This is the right time to take a decision and stop running round the bush. Most people will never find happiness because they do not stop to enjoy life. They are always in a hurry to find something in order to be happy.