Right is the Might

Arguments are not an instrument which will help to find the truth. A good speaker can distort the facts and win a debate. It is risky to blind to the facts and clinging to a concept created by a person who has mastered the art of good speaking , rhetoric skills or a person who has inborn talent to use the words cleverly. Such a person can mislead the followers to destruction and turmoil.

You have to think from an independent mind to find the truth. Always we have to find what is right and not who is right. If you are clinging to an idea given by a skilled speaker you will become a salve to a wrong concept or an idea and might fall into a trap.

Whoever a learned man; well respected personality; wise man, you must not follow the ideas if it does not fit into your consciousness.

Good cannot be wrong and right cannot be bad. Always see good , do good, be good and think good. Right is the might. Always consider and follow the path of right and good then you have nothing to fear of consequences.