
I was   entrusted to upper Kindergarten at Sonic International School in 1997 by my parents, may be,   with high hopes and expectations. I have great memories   during my education at   Sonic and   I really enjoyed  my time  and  I have an excellent  reminiscence of the teachers who always there to answer and  to help me.   Studying at the Sonic brought an added value to my personal life.   Methods of teaching were interesting and teachers were well qualified and capable.   The small size of  classes allowed and gave me the opportunity to learn well.   I   was able to believe and have confidence of a prosperous future because of the foundation laid by the Sonic.

I played cricket  for the College  since  the age of  13 and  I really enjoyed  playing  cricket  and  learning  advanced  cricket techniques under a qualified   cricket coacher. I represented the Triton House and    took part in events such as   discus throw, put shot and javelin.

I was able to take part in many cultural events throughout primary and junior school. In senior School   teachers of Sonic   taught me all the wonders of science.

At college I was   elected as the President of the Math Society in 2008   and in 2009.  Again I was elected as the Vice president of the Buddhist Society    in 2008 and in   2009.   I worked as Co-chairman of the Cultural Organization in years 2008 and 2009.

I am grateful to the Sonic  as  I was able to obtain  best results for  me at  Ordinary  levels.  I left Sonic at the end of grade 11 and the College paved the way for me to be accepted to North Jayoda  State University with my Ordinary Level results with a 50% Scholarship.

I   followed the degree in Major in Civil Engineering at North Jayoda  State University from August 2008 to May 2011.  I was graduated   in Major Civil Engineering at the University in August 2012.

Presently I am employed as an  Engineer in Training   ( EIT) for Engineering  Department of  Fortune Company Ltd.

I look back   the many years I was studying at the Sonic and it has provided me with the tools necessary to face my professional life.  Today I am proud and entirely satisfied to have been part of Sonic and my parent’s hopes and expectations have been fulfilled.

Even after  many years I have left the college still   I have excellent contact with   some of my colleagues  enlarging business opportunities with people I  actually studied at  Sonic.

Studying at Sonic brought me several key elements and skills that I now use in my current position as an Engineer.  The international approach and numerous presentations we had to make during our studies in Sonic prepared me well in advance  for my professional life.

The cultural diversity that was in my class was also a great experience as we learnt from each other’s culture.

I was immensely benefited from the education I received from the teachers at Sonic who have extensive   professional and academic experience as well as from practical case studies.

It was a great experience a great atmosphere between teachers, and students.  Education at Sonic   gave me the opportunity to put myself on the forefront dealing with my daily duties and issues.  Today I have the overall picture I always wanted to get because of the education at Sonic.

The competencies and the availability of the teaching and administrative staff    are undoubtedly a plus point at Sonic.  Education at Sonic   provided essential keys of the management   and leadership skills for facing the rapid globalization.

I have very good memories of my years at the Sonic with its privilege setting, friendly atmosphere and cultural diversity.   International character shaped    in me at Sonic facilitated my integration into an international workplace.

Sonic is   very unique in terms of the social and academic environment. I have discussed with my friends and   relatives    who have  attended various colleges  all around the world and I  have found that very  few colleges can provide the kind of memorable and successful  experience  that Sonic had  offered me.

The ways teachers were imparting knowledge were really motivating and made the dialogue and changes between us more productive and of mutual interest. The different activities organized by Sonic were very thoughtful and much appreciated by the students. Education I received at Sonic   was most valuable learning experience in my studies. I feel I have received full value added leaning from Sonic.

I take this opportunity to  show my gratitude and  sincerely  thank Sonic  for the guidance which  provided to  me over  my college years. I even consider the Sonic in the first place! The college truly helped me to realize and make the most of my potential, both academically and in terms of extracurricular activities.  I would like to keep on record my gratefulness and appreciation   to the principal, teachers and administrative staff of the Sonic International School.